Русская версия

One of the additional printing services we offer is lacquering. We do both gloss and mate lacquering.

Lacquering serves several purposes.

Firstly, it fulfills protective function, since a layer of lacquer prevents abrasion of paint under and finger prints on clor saturated plate surfaces. In the majority of cases plates of larger size undergo abrasion and blot. As preventive measure surface lacquering with offset lacquer can be employed. Its effective in fulfilling the function and is barely noticeable.

Rarer the lacquering with offset lacquer is used for decorate purposes. For example, circulation printed at gloss paper can be change into mate exterior by means of mate lacquer. This technique are used to realize certain design ideas. For example, the design might imply contrast between mate and gloss surfaces.


Mailing address:
Triada Ltd.
28 а Gogol str. Bishkek
720021, the Kyrgyz Republic.
Triada Print
Offset and RAM (digital)
+996 312 880 946
+996 312 882 261
+996 770 794 794
Triada Flex
+996 312 882 256

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