Русская версия

Foil blocking – Is fairly ancient and effective technology. Before it used to be a gold foil and silver foil blocking, nowadays the chose of foil type has become considerably wider. These days the foil types are almost unlimited, there are even gloss and mate foils. This is not all. There some holographic foils, which bliss with different hues. It also includes scratch foil, which is used for lottery and other raffle actions.

Foil blocking there are various devices used, having common principle of operation: foil is blocked under high pressure on to the target material with the metallic base heated to high temperature.

The base used for foil blocking and other types of blocking is made of various materials and by means of diverse technologies. Customers should consider the fact that it is almost impossible to match material and technology for the base without a model.
Foil blocking is also called a heated foil blocking. Technology of heated foil blocking comprises simple procedure of blocking the foil on to the target material by means of base heated over 100 centigrade, by means of which the foil is fixed on target material.

Recently this technology became on of the most popular category of finished printed material processing. Foil stamping become more popular in combination with relief stamping. Technology of stamping allows attaining texture and surfaces that are beyond regular printing paints capacities.

The given technique is regularly used to produce labels for liquor and wine products. The techniques is very original if used on special image editions such as annual reports, file folders, post cards etc.


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