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Face and memorable image of your product

Important ingredient of you sales strategy

Information about your company and products


On your demand we can print labels on various sorts of paper: regular, label, highly glossed, enamel, metallized, adhesive. You can choose form of stamp for cutting from a set or order a custom stamp.  Our capacities and resources, allowing producing labels with foil cover, relief stamp and elements changing their color depending on surrounding temperature.

label pack
commercials book and journal production

Mailing address:
Triada Ltd.
28 à Gogol str. Bishkek
720021, the Kyrgyz Republic.
Triada Print
Offset and RAM (digital)
+996 312 880 946
+996 312 882 261
+996 770 794 794
Triada Flex
+996 312 882 256


Our location

USA Dollar
Russian Rouble
KZ Tenge
Rate NBKR of

  Location: HOME PAGE / Company / Label © 2006 “Triada Ltd”
All rights reserved.